Mortgage: Understanding the Lock in Period

When you apply for a mortgage, the interest rate that you are given is basically the going rate for the day, which means if you pre-approve your loan, the weeks or even months later that you find your home you cannot be certain that the rate you were quoted is still in effect. This is why many lenders are not offering a lock in period for mortgages. The reason that lenders have began offering a lock in period for these rates is because they realize that people take time to…

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Campaign To Reform Student Loans Urges Senators To Support The Nelson-Burr Amendment

The Campaign for Student Loan Reform is calling upon Senators to support the bipartisan amendment proposed by Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) to the budget reconciliation bill (S. 1762). They state that this amendment would make sure that families will not have to pay more for higher education and also would make the necessary resources available for the Government to be able to fund increases in Pell Grants and also make sure that the lenders would have the ability to continue to provide the current discounts…

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Is Co-Signing for a Loan Worth the Risk or not? Read to find out!

Co-signing for any type of loan even it’s a fast personal loan can evolve into the worse financial decision a person can make. Unless you are co-signing for: 1) someone you can trust 110%; 2) someone who is committed to paying the monthly loan payments and; 3) someone who is committed to staying employed in a position which enables them to handle all of their financial obligations, do not sign your name to a loan agreement as a co-signer. If you decide to co-sign, start budgeting the loan payments. This…

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