Important Reminders For Protecting Your Confidential Data

Recently, we’ve heard a tremendous amount of publicity about confidential or personal information accidentally lost or purposefully stolen. The Veterans Administration, the IRS, and Beaumont Hospital Home Care were all seriously affected. The latter case occurred when a nurse’s car was stolen and a business laptop was in the car, left in plain sight. How many people have been affected by the theft of their personal information? In the case concerning the VA, over 30,000 veterans of foreign conflicts; in the case of Beaumont Hospital Home care, over 28,000 people…

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How To Buy Life Insurance After A Cancer Diagnosis

If you are among the majority of cancer patients, surviving for at least five years after your diagnosis, then you may find yourself facing another fight in buying life insurance. There is no doubt that buying life insurance can be challenging for cancer patients. However, there are a few things you should know to help you in obtaining life insurance after cancer. First, be aware that your chances of receiving a life insurance policy will depend on several factors, including the type, stage, and grade of your cancer. Even your…

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